Sunday, November 24, 2013

Is the "A" the True Punishment?

            "Ah, but," interposed, more softly, a young wife, holding a child by the hand, "let her cover the mark ash she will, the pang of it will be always in her heart." (Hawthorne, Pg. 36) 

          A kind-hearted lady amidst the hoard of gossipy Puritan women does not wish the worst for Hester Prynne unlike the rest. She does not believe that any ugly or painful abuse will bring justice to the female name. She understands the dark and beaten soul of the adulteress. She realizes that the true punishment is not within the embroidery of the scarlet letter, but within the mind fostering many years of guilt and regret. Hester will bear emotional torture for the rest of her life by taking care of her lovely daughter, Pearl. For she does not look at the "A" on her chest, but at the offspring born out of her sin. The cheeky three-year old is a constant reminder of the mother's shame. Yet Pearl has become Hester's everything, her treasure. To withstand society's pressure, she brushes off her remorse with dignity. Not only she has decorated the scarlet letter with golden threat, but has sewn extravagant dresses for her little "imf". Pearl, through her mother, has become the living scarlet letter. Hester by doing this, has given off the impression that she is not embarrassed. However, nothing will be able to take away the fault of her crime that will be woven around her heart forever.

One of New York's Beautiful Graffiti Walls Gets Torn Down

                Huffington's Post, "Artists Bid Sad Farewell To 5 Pointz, New York City's Graffiti Mecca" article was written on November 21, 2013 by Mallika Rao.

             One of New York's most marveled iconic walls of graffiti art is torn down to the ground, leaving all of its city's artists weeping. 5 Pointz was a towering 200,000 foot abandoned complex where painters gathered from all around the world to master their skills with the neon colors of the spray cans. It was also a notorious tour stop, where many absorbed the true "big city" spirit by gazing at the never-ending mural. Marie Cecile Flageul, one of the lead supporters of the wall, with her cohorts petitioned the Brooklyn Federal Court for weeks in attempt to stop the property's landlord, Jerry Wolkoff, from knocking down the building and replacing it with a pair of high risers. Even a mob of furious artists crowded the courtyard of 5 Pointz in protest to spook Wolkoff. But sadly by Tuesday morning, a dozen hired men whitewashed the property's facade, stripping off years of unique work and culture. In memory, all the veteran graffiti artists of the fallen wall lit candles along its side. Now, R.I.P posters rest against the building, making a statement... The tragic reality is that art so frequently seems to be the most discriminated in the world. The horrid lies in which philistine moguls hold the power to pursue such prejudice to what gives color and character to the environment. 


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Puritan Clothing

            Boston in the 1600s was the new home to the incoming Puritans of the time. These people had fled England to find independence in the Americas where they can create a world of their own. The society they had established forced its citizens to lead a "pure" and religious life. Therefore, their humbleness had them wear plain and conservative clothing. 
            Dressing to Puritan uniform consisted of many layers. A woman first slipped on stockings and underpants. Then, she threw on her petticoat, followed by the bodice and skirt. Next, she costumes the skirt with an outer gown. Afterwards, she puts on a chemise, like a collared shirt with long sleeves. Finally, she garbs the outfit with an apron on the dress and a bonnet for the head. For the men, it is a slightly different story. First, he routinely clothes himself in stockings and underpants like the women do. Then, he attires over knee-length breeches. Next, he puts on a loosed cuffed shirt. Finally, he suits his costume with a vest, as a hat would cover his head too.
           Contrary to popular opinion, Puritans did not always wear black. Only the wealthy wore black as black dye was very costly. Most Puritans dressed in brown or indigo because brown vegetable and indigo dyes were plentiful. However, vibrant hues were frowned upon wearing due to the attention they attracted. 


The Philippines Typhoon

          The Huffington Post's "Philippines Typhoon Death Toll Rises in Storm's Aftermath" was written by the Associated Press on November 10, 2013. 
          The record-breaking tsunami, Haiyfan, swept through the Philippines Islands setting terrifying death tolls. As many as 10,000 citizens have died in one city alone, Tacloban. Monster waves pounded into the shores washing away homes, schools, airports, and airports. Ferocious winds buried masses in debris and left corpses hanging on trees. Regional police chief, Elmer Soria, reports that most died from either drowning or being crushed under collapsing buildings. The storm had sea waters rise up twenty feet, causing floods to rush in and engulf the streets.
           One Tacloban resident said he and others took refuge inside a parked Jeep to protect themselves from the storm, but the vehicle was swept away by a surging wall of water. "The water was as high as a coconut tree," said the 44-year-old bicycle taxi driver. "I got out of the car and I was swept away by the rampaging water with logs, trees and our house," he described. "When we were being swept by the water, many people were floating and raising their hands and yelling for help. But what can we do? We also needed to be helped".
         Thankfully, aid has arrived and rescued many. However, there is nothing that can recover the thousands of innocent lives that were taken in by Haiyfan's fury. 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

SOAPST of "I Know Why the Caged Bird Cannot Read"

             The literary piece "I Know Why the Caged Bird Cannot Read" gives a bias yet strong perspective upon the wrongdoings of what teachers give their students to read. The Speaker is Francine Prose. She is a reporter, essayist, critic, and editor born in the late 1940s. The occasion is set for Harper's magazine in 1999. The audience includes everyone; parents, teachers, and students. The purpose is to inform on the dry and uninteresting reading curriculum the schools enforce, and to persuade the authority to change that curriculum into a more sensual and diverse range of books. The subject is about giving critique upon the quality of required reading in American high schools. Her tone is sassy and witty. Already based upon the title, Prose cleverly uses Angelou's novel "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" as a comeback to her own opinion, "I Know Why the Caged Bird Cannot Read". In effect, the twisted title clearly states Prose's side on how high school students learn to loathe literature. Other than that, her tone is also familiar. Through anecdotes and personal experience, Prose also relates to the audience. She explains how her two sons gone through the same story, reading the same books and going through the same routine as every student as experienced. Finally, Prose's tone is as well disappointed. As evidence, she declares, "But rather than exposing students to works of literature that expand their capacities and vocabularies, sharpen their comprehension, and deepen the level at which they think and feel, we either offer them 'easy books' that 'anyone' can understand, or we serve up the tougher works predigested". 

Unlikely Couple Turns Heads

              The Huffington Post's "Billboard Of U.S. Soldier And Muslim Woman Commands Attention" article was written on November 1, 2013 by Ron Dicker. 
              Most have the ideal future photo in their heads, the typical American family - a couple and two kids. However, not all destinies are as clear-crisp and well-framed. Relationships range in all different forms. Therefore, the Snore Stop business displayed a U.S martial and a Muslim woman embracing each other on an ad. The company sells a spray that reduces snoring. One major problem the product solved was spouses unable to rest with each other due to loud snoring. In result, couples are now able to #staytogether, as the corporation endorses. The idea behind showing such an unlikely pair was that if they can #staytogether, anyone can! 
             Sadly enough, the ad turned heads in a negative way. First spotted on the Los Angeles Sunset Boulevard, it picked up sharp media attention concerning if it disrespects the motives of the U.S military. However, the American-Islamic Relations Council argues otherwise, "If you have Muslims in an ad for a product that's not about religion or not a PSA, it's a sign that we're accepted as a cultural norm". Snore Stop not only wanted to campaign their product, but also celebrate cultural diversity. 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Extent of Education Provided by Schools

             Schools are institutions set to educate and broaden the minds of the youth. However, how far can that go if different types of learning methods are restricted and certain types of intelligences are avoided from being taught. Most schools focus on establishing "book smart", but not much "street smart". Critical thinking for important futuristic responsibilities and duties need to be set in the curriculum; from setting up a business plan to making wise contract decisions. Artistic intelligence has also been degraded and valued less in comparison to materialistic intelligence. The only well-rounded subject is English, which emphasizes all types of intelligence including linguistic, interpersonal and intrapersonal. As much as the main five credit courses hold important intellect as well, there are other various knowledges that need to be looked into.  If subjects are limited in teaching, most probably so will be the class routines. The old notes-homework-test program can bore students and rid the curiousity of knowledge they may have used to obtain. Since experience is another type of learning, field trips should be promoted more often to excite the pupils back into education. It is tactics like this that revive the thirst to learn more. Although most schools do provide programs like these, it is to a low extent. Therefore, I believe that the education a school gives needs to cover all types of intelligences in order to reach 100%, otherwise, the students' minds will ever be so close-minded.

Italian Artist Paints Up His Own Nation

           Huffington Post's "Opiemme Writes Poetry And Letterforms Across Italy" article was written on October 23rd, 2013 by Steven P. Harrington and Jaime Rojo. 
            Italy is given a makeover top to bottom all thanks to the unique street artist, Opiemme. He set out on a country-wide road trip to beautify the streets this summer with his "journey through painting and poetry," a project inspired by poets he loves. His graffiti work covers  fourteen cities with words from Italian literature, including Rome. His masterpieces are scattered on the walls and sidewalks of densely populated areas where people can interpret the meanings behind the paint. Opiemme's messages usually revolve around spiritual love, wisdom, and government corruption. "Opiemme says he likes to explore the border between poetry and image, public and private, and to use the printed word as a graphic element on which to build more meanings, even as he sometimes disconnects the letters from their original context", the article reports. That through his kilometer wide murals, a certain environmental or social theme will be understood. It is the virtuoso of artists like Opiemme who shape the world around them according to their eye. No matter if they paint the alleys or the Sistine Chapel. 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Male Dancers Are Not Homosexual

            The blog is based on the Huffington Post's "Nigel Lythgoe, 'So You Think You Can Dance' Producer, talks Gay Stereotypes of Male Dancers" interview article on 10/5/13 (author unknown).
            Many claim that society is open-minded and less conservative nowadays. However, that tends to be the opposite. How come people are still being classified with such ingorance based upon what they love? Nigel Lythgoe, producer from "So You Think You Can Dance", is outraged on the American stereotype which assumes most male dancers to be gay. "In this day and age, what the hell? Why should you be labeled in anything that you do?" he states. Furthur into Europe, professional men stand tall and broad performing magnificient dance routines with all due respect. While back at the English culture, only major popstars who sing alongside choreography are accepted. Many mock the guys in tights who do ballet, when most are oblivious of the atheletic strength those boys have to obtain to carry out that dance. 
            Although Lythgoe is dissapointed in this era, he was certainly optimistic on the future generations ahead. He had seen an increase of fathers applauding their sons in their dance careers. Big time quarterbacks after practice head to the studio to practice their ballet. By working on their flexibility, the risk of being injured during a football game is decreased. Dance has become its own sport. Unfortunately, most of America has not realized it yet. 
             As out and about this decade has become, the hater spirit arousing has to be halted. Hobbies and sports people love to do are being put down based upon irrational criticism. It is time to stop judging individuals opon their uniqueness. 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Our Fat Furry Friends

             The Huffington Post's " Fat Pets A Growing Problem as 1 In 4 American Dogs And Cats Declared Overweight" was written on October 9th, 2013 by Stephanie Pappas.
             Pets in the household are treated like family. However, if parents strive to be a good influence on their children, maybe they should do the same for their furry friends. Unfortunately, one's bad eating habits reflects directly on his or her animal. That's right. According to statistics by the Banfield Pet Hospital, one out of every four dogs and cats are overweight in the U.S. When obesity rates rose in the country for people, who knew it would affect animals as well? The issue has even initiated a "National Pet Obesity Awareness Day" on October 9th.
            "Banfield collects nationwide data on pet health through its 800 animal hospitals spread over 43 states", the article states. Research proves that overweight dogs have become 37% more prevalant compared to five years ago. And shockingly, overweight cats have become 90% more common. 
            However, even with the sickening evidence, around 70% of pet owners do not recognize this as a problem. Veteranarians declare the need to put the creatures on a diet because extra weight means a higer risk of arthritis, heart disease, and respiratory trouble. The same health issues apply to them as well as to humans. It is time for animal lovers all across the country to wake up and pay attention to their pets' health. 



Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.

         The presentation is based upon the speech Robert F. Kennedy gave on the assasination of Martin Luther King Jr. His message to the people comforted and assured many on the steps he will take as president to rid all injustices, including the discrimination of color.  He  informed the citizens of the tragic event, yet proposed a change. Kennedy urged all Americans to unite and destroy prejudice of any kind once and for all. The speech covered every literary aspect except classical oration, induction and the toulmin model. However, the other points made were superb and almost impossible to argue against. The deduction of the passage expressed the purpose of the speech percisely. By referring to Martin Luther King’s assassination, he is able to show an example of how discrimination can ruin a country. Therefore, his argument is clear on why it should be stopped.          
        Props are given to Annie and Arus for having crisp points describing every existing aspect of the speech. They were to the point, yet said all that had to be heard. Presenting, they had great communication skills with the audience by having constant eye contact while keeping an exciting tone of voice. Although a few more pictures and a better color scheme would have made the presentation more vibrant, the content of their work remains excellent. The topic was intruiging and educated many on this shaky period of American history. Well done! 

The Musical Village

        The Huffington Post's "Inside The Plan To Transform New Orleans Into A Giant Musical  Playground" was written on October 3rd, 2013 by Priscilla Frank. It was based upon a headline sure to turn heads.
        The ramshackle of an old run-down New Orleans town is transformed by a zealous group of street muscicians. The Dithyrambalina is a 150-year old village transfigured into a giant musical playground by creating musical instruments out of the structures of the cottage houses. Stairs became pipe organs while floorboards became amplifiers. The streets glow and are enchanted with lanterns, as the whole town is awaken with music and light. Many describe this unique place as a village that “popped right out of an urban fairytale”. One can even consider it a real-life Disney movie. However, it is not the storybooks that have brought this town back to life, it is the people who go to it. The article states that “throughout its life, the village welcomed 15,000 visitors and 500 students to practice and study musical arts over there”. So far, major art guilds like the Mardi Gras Indian Tribe and the New Orleans Master Crafts are partnering up with the village.  
         "The most important thing to us is the idea that old, run-down looking things still have value," the Dithyrambalina co-founder Jay Pennington explains. "And that the value that they have is in the stories that they carry. And those stories can be brought to life through music. Giving life to architecture, so that people can live with it, experience it, and learn what there is to learn from what's left behind."
         It is innovative minds like Jay Pennington who do not exist in their surrounding world, but whom create it. Surely the Dithyrambalina will prosper into a symphonic city, in which a musical revolution will begin. 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Aspects of the Declaration of Independence

             The Declaration of Independence was a daring and moving document which marked the birth of a new nation.  It mainly consists a list of grievances the colonists state against King George. The complaints rebel for liberty, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness. Throughout the message, the ruler is claimed to be a tyrant in every single way.
             One of the charges affirmed that “He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of people.” This accuses the king to have cut the peoples’ voice. That by all means, he has possessed a dictator-like character and rules with an iron fist. The citizens are angered because they do not possess a legislature in which they can be fairly represented. They fed on the idea that the government served primarily for the people. Therefore, an oppressive monarchy had begun to disgust many. Nowadays, the U.S has a bicameral congress and separate branches in which no one body has too much power. Following this form of government, the right decisions are able to be made by representing the nation with justice.
           Another charge put forward was that “He has endeavored to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Land.” This obstructed the United States from growing as a country and as a people. King George purposely set this to keep the colonies only colonies, not to grow powerfully and ethnically and the United States. Many new lands and discoveries were hid away from the Americans because of this. Nowadays, The U.S has grown into a superior country from the east coast to the west. Many more states were established and trading harbors opened which led the country into a more economic success.

The Underwater Airplane

               In the "Huffington's Post", This Underwater Airplane Flies Through The Ocean Unlike Any Submarine Before It (Posted: 9/21/2013) (Author Unknown), a sharp inventive man named Graham Hawkes creates a new type of underwater transportation based upon air transportation.
               He reveries back into the days stating, "It all started with a little crab." While observing the creature crawling across the ocean floor, he realized that the crab has got it all wrong, and so did he. "These fish are moving in three dimensions, while this guy is scurrying along the bottom," Hawkes settled.
               Inspired by the movement of the fish, he began to design and build the DeepFlight Super Falcon in his garage from 1995, a submarine that flies through the water. Now this boat has become reality, and it streams through the deep blue just as gracefully as the whales do. "Ninety-four percent of life on Earth is aquatic," Hawkes reports. "We live on an ocean planet. We need to understand that. We need to be connected. This is a tool that can do that."
                With a submarine like this, every corner of the sea world can be explored. Just like Columbus discovered America based upon his sturdy ship, Hawkes can pioneer the deepest waters in search for the marvelous findings that can shape the future.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Big Bang Goes Bye-Bye

              The Huffington's Post's "Universe may Have Formed From Debris When Star Collapsed Into Black Hole, Cosmologists Say" (written on September 14, 2013) alternates the fundamentals of the Big Bang Theory for good. 
              The old concept stated that the universe broke from one huge dense astro-rock into perfectly arranged galaxies. But how can an explosion be so uniform? That question has triggered common sense to argue against this point. Therefore, many begin to state that there must have been an extra flow of energy to set the equilibrium temperature throughout all of space after the Big Bang erupted. 
              In 2000, a team at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Germany went into deep research, drawing another possible way that the universe might have formed. Studying four-dimensional stars, the researchers discovered that once these enourmous balls of gas die out, they release a violent burst of power known as the supernova while also creating a black hole. The black hole is found to be that it makes a hypersphere after its destruction of matter. With that in mind, a fresh idea was strung that when a huge four-dimensional star had fallen into a black hole, it fired into a set equilibrium energy flow of an orbit. Thus the orbit provided a spiral organization for the newly formed planets that the Big Bang had given off. 
              With open-minded thinkers nowadays, maybe even the most basic traditional theories can be proven wrong. That is what science is all about. 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Weeknd Takes Over
The Zeal Online's article on the Weeknd concert informs many on the type of performance which can easily be differentiated from others. The lead artist's unique voice captivates the audience to zone out into their own world. His vocals are powerful and passionate. The critic even stated his claim of value, that the singer sounded like the legendary Michael Jackson. Not only the singer is talented, but as well the rest of his band. It is acknowledged that the guitarist had fantastic solos which had the crowd raging with cheer. His music ranges all types of rock, adding a bit of a hip hop vibe to it as well. Although the concert was fantastic, it is claimed that at points the songs sounded too similar. The change of policy would be to have less intoxicated people at the concert, have the show start promptly on time, and to keep the performance interesting.
The reviewer overall gives a thumbs up on the singer. The Weeknd kept getting music lovers hooked on their dreamy yet rocking album. The fan base grows by every new released single. The only way for this artist to go is up. He has created a whole new genre which keeps attracting more and more zealous followers. Through this review, it is guaranteed that one will get hooked to the addictive music the Weeknd created.

The Blind Carry Guns

          The thought of pulling the trigger of the gun is what can kill a being. Who can give the right to one who cannot even aim? All senses are needed to target properly, especially vision.  However, Huffington's post  "Iowa Issues Gun Permits in Iowa, Allowing Them to Carry in Public" written by Ryan Grenoble on September 8, 2013, shows that is not the case. Citizens without eyesight are able to own this deadly weapon in the state.
          The explanation behind this is based off the federal Gun Control Act of 1968, not allowing  denial of any right to the physically disabled. However, even the famous Stevie Wonder could not comprehend the logic. "Imagine me with a gun, that would be crazy" - he stayed. On the other hand, a policewoman with a blind daughter claims that "If sheriffs spent more time trying to keep guns out of criminals’ hands and not people with disabilities, their time would be more productive".  But for the most part, many of the local authorities are perplexed on the issue and claim that this right threatens the safety of their community. One can question the values of life by deciding which morality overrides - human rights or the preservation of protection?

Monday, September 2, 2013

5K Runs, Suprisingly Fun

“Why run?” most people question. Well here’s why - the latest 5K runs are fun, exciting and creative events which have inspired most to excercise and socialize. For example, the Electric Run hosted in Los Angeles is a night course in which many come with neon spandex, face paint and glow sticks to compete in a 3 mile race. Techno music blasts the speakers as competitors sprint for the gold. Even celebrities attend this meet, like Vanessa Hudgens. She came dressed in a hot pink wig, a polar bear hoodie, and fuzzy boots. Although admitting to not running herself, she states that “the Electric Run is an great event to get people out moving and having a good time.” Another event would be Run for Your Lives, a meet in which ‘zombies’ chase participants through the 5K maze filled with smoke and ‘blood pits.’ These runs are few out of many that have kept people coming to stay in shape and have a blast.
These competitions are not only enjoyable, but are usually held to support a good cause too. The Pants Off Racing is an additional meet in which runners raise money for pancreatic cancer awareness, as well as the Concrete Hero which funds the AIDS Project. 
Through the LA times' “Latest 5K runs are more for laughs than laps” article written by Mikaela Conley on August 23rd, many have figured that these runs have evolutionized into an imaginative, healthy and absolutely entertaining way of having society to get out and move. With wacky and silly themes, people of all age come together to celebrate and be fit. 


Rocky Road is the Way to Go

                   What possible ice cream captures both the sweetoothes and the organic lovers (rhetorical statement/question)? The answer to that would be Rocky Road. It's creamy marshmallows, rich chocolate and crunchy almonds set the scene for autumn to come. Every spoonful, I taste toasty s'mores. And with s'mores come late night bonfires, fuzzy scarves and falling golden leaves (Pathos). Not only the chocolate and marshmallows satisfy the craving for sugar, but the nuts give an excellent source of vitamin E. Almonds fight against obesity and steers away diseases like Alzheimer's and Diabetes. Studies show that even cocoa has health benefits. It helps improve brain function, keeps a healthy heart and gives an energizing wake up call for the day. This ice cream makes an awesome snack for yourself, but is better shared with friends. Plus, on moody days, one can easily chug down a carton of Rocky Road without getting tired of its 'rocking' zest. It makes an exceptional comfort food which can as if listen to your own problems. It will even accompany you while watching movies and snuggling with a blanket. This revolutionary flavor takes my taste buds on a high thrill trek for adventure. It brings out the edgier side of me which makes life more interesting. It is simply sweetness, richness, deliciousness (asyndeton).

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Her Almighty, "King" Elizabeth

Queen Elizabeth’s speech to the troops at Tilbury was an effective and shaking message not only in its time, but for the centuries ahead. The subject was the war that the army was about to wage against Spain. The occasion was the Spanish Armada invasion of England in 1588. The audience were the British soldiers. The speaker was Queen Elizabeth. The purpose was to encourage the military to fight in the name of its people with full spirit and might. As well as to inspire them under the queen. She claims that “I myself will take up arms, I myself will be your general, judge, and rewarder of every one of your virtues in the field.” By demonstrating her courage, she motivated thousands of troops to do the same. The tone was honorable, comforting, assuring, hopeful yet authoratative. As the queen, she claimed to “have the heart and stomach of a king”, which made her look powerful. This was necessary to portray such an image as the leading general of England. Although Elizabeth is declared the ruler, she affirms to be on the same level with her troops by referring herself and England as a whole. She achieves this by using pronouns like “we” and “us”.  With confidence, she claims that “we shall shortly have a famous victory...” 

The Lost Generation of Syria

The children of Syria lead the way of the nation’s next generation, filled with hostility and confusion. The Syrian war has been continuing its deathly toll for three years. Victims of all ages were and are still being terribly affected. However, the people’s present is not only threatened, but as well their future. According to the L.A Times, the number of kids that were forced to flee the country was estimated at 1 million. Also, 2 million were displaced within Syria. To top it all off, another 100,000 were tragically slaughtered in the midst of the fighting. 
The children usually are seperated from their family and friends while escaping their country to either Lebannon, Jordan, Turkey, Iraq or Egypt. “Even after they have crossed a border to safety, they are traumatized, depressed and in need of a reason for hope” , states U.N High Commissioner for Refugees. 
  The youth, as down the line leaders of Syria, unfortunately are perishing alongside their adults. This can only mean leaving a society without anyone to run it properly in the future. Survivors of the war would only grow up to become uneducated and split as a people. Research studies give evidence of similar scenarios. Twenty years ago in the bloodshed of Bosnia, its children suffered long-term consequences still visible. The population today is divided politcally, ethnically and culturally. Sadly, the same will happen to Syria if no steps are taken to remedy the situation. 
Without its youth, no society will last. Within the L.A Times’ “Syria’s Lost Generation”, written by Alexandra Zavis on August 23, is highlighted the horrible reality of the Syrian conflict, that makes one treasure the importance children have within a country, that being the years ahead.
