Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Extent of Education Provided by Schools

             Schools are institutions set to educate and broaden the minds of the youth. However, how far can that go if different types of learning methods are restricted and certain types of intelligences are avoided from being taught. Most schools focus on establishing "book smart", but not much "street smart". Critical thinking for important futuristic responsibilities and duties need to be set in the curriculum; from setting up a business plan to making wise contract decisions. Artistic intelligence has also been degraded and valued less in comparison to materialistic intelligence. The only well-rounded subject is English, which emphasizes all types of intelligence including linguistic, interpersonal and intrapersonal. As much as the main five credit courses hold important intellect as well, there are other various knowledges that need to be looked into.  If subjects are limited in teaching, most probably so will be the class routines. The old notes-homework-test program can bore students and rid the curiousity of knowledge they may have used to obtain. Since experience is another type of learning, field trips should be promoted more often to excite the pupils back into education. It is tactics like this that revive the thirst to learn more. Although most schools do provide programs like these, it is to a low extent. Therefore, I believe that the education a school gives needs to cover all types of intelligences in order to reach 100%, otherwise, the students' minds will ever be so close-minded.

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